Sunday, November 29, 2015

Well, i should probably put some information about me. I'm not just some crazy person who found a laptop and decided to post a bunch of poems. My name is Mackenzie. I live in Arizona, have for a few years. I have a family of 7. I have 2 best friends, and one friend. (yeah, he's not a best friend, so-to-say), First, there is Jayden. He is currently serving a mission in Billings, Montana. He had been gone since August 19th: the day my life ended. Just kidding. (Maybe). As some of you may wondering, yes, we dated. For a few months before he left. And as you may have guessed, when he left, he took a piece of my heart with him. I feel empty without him. So lots of my poems are about him. I write to express my feelings, because it is easier to put the words onto paper, than it is to get them out of my mouth. This is my way of coping. Now, on a happier note, for my other best friend: Mauri. This girl is the light of my life (not to sound cheesy or anything). But i would be nowhere without her. She doesn't even know how much i need her. However, she was just called as a ward missionary for her ward. (Her too?? I know right?)  Which means that it is like leaving for 2 years to go out of state, but she will be staying home and doing what a regular missionary would do. But, this means she will be super busy. So i'm going to be on this blog a loooot. Now, for my friend: Xander. He is alright. Pretty crazy. And he is leaving on his mission soon! (Seeing a reoccurring pattern here?) Soo hurray for all of your friends leaving you! Again, kidding. (Maybe). Well, enough about me. time for some poems! Until next time!

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